Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Aliens or Criminals....

So last night just after midnight and just after we had turned out the lights to go to bed there was this slightly greenish blueish really bright light shining in our window. It was so weird I was quiet. Dayt said what the heck was that? I told him to hurry to the window to check it out. He said, nah, you do it. I was too freaked out and I was a little nervous to open the blinds so I made him get out of bed. He couldn't see anything and I told him it was because he didn't get out of bed fast enough. Typical right? So I was a little freaked out because I knew it wasn't a car or anything even though Dayt repeatedly tried to tell me it was. But the light didn't "roll" across the windows so I knew it wasn't a car turning around in the circle. He told me it was no big deal - but I was SURE that it was a police spotlight from a helicopter above trying to chase down a criminal running through my backyard. It could happen! He said it was just aliens. Seriously, are you kidding! I am not going to be able to go to sleep. I am thinking about the escaped convict in the basement! I am only half kidding about that people! He kept on with the whole aliens story. I said he was so LAME! He thought it was weird that I didn't believe in aliens. I said, oh yeah right, on the 8th day God made aliens. I was not finding it amusing. Anyway, I made him get up and turn on the outside lights to discourage the criminal from hiding away in the unfinished basement - much to his dismay! I finally fell asleep. This morning on the news there was all this talk about a meteor that fell from the sky. Apparently it is a once in a lifetime experience. The meteor that fell through space was about the size of an oven or a refrigerator, 10 miles high in the sky and could be seen ias far away as AZ, CA, MT and ID. The videos they have on this thing on the news are pretty crazy. Go to for some great shots. So now Dayt thinks that because aliens are from space, and meteors are from space that he was the closest in determining the source of the light last night. Oh whatever! My theory was so much more realistic than aliens!! Happy Wednesday y'all!


Mechelle said...

I saw it too... is it a sign? :/
I am glad I got to see it first hand and experience the mystery of it all!

Jeff C. said...

Dayton could still be right... they are only telling you it was a "meteor". Better get your Reese's pieces ready. They might be hungry :)

Dayton said...

Just to clarify, I didn't think it was "weird" that Trish doesn't believe in aliens. I just said that I think it is possible that they could exist.

All I can say is, it was a crazy flash of light unlike anything I had ever seen before. I knew it was something abnormal. I think alien was a good guess.

LaDeaux family said...

That is so funny. Hey, looks like we're coming to Idaho and Utah for Thanksgiving. Do you want to get together on Saturday with Amy too?

The Mom said...

Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! I saw it too here in Malad! I was doing Soduku in my bed and all of a sudden, outside my window, It looked like the sun was up and the entire sky looked like midafternoon day! It was the most amazing thing I ever saw!!! I kept telling Blair to wake up. He was too tired. He didn't believe me until the news the next day!