Wednesday, April 01, 2009

"Attention Teachers"

"This is an emergency lockdown - this is NOT an April Fools Joke!"
The kids heard that message over the PA today at their school - Heritage Elementary. He said he knew it was "real" when he saw a policeman escort the milkman into the lunchroom. He said it was fun because he was able to eat lunch in his classroom. He had some great stories - 3rd graders with some great imaginations! You can read about it all over the news websites. Most of you already know the details but for journalings sake I am repeating it in short story form! It started with a fraud bust in a hotel in Clearfield where 2 were arrested and 2 fled the scene. The high speed chase ended at the kids elementary school where the driver was arrested when he abandonded the car. The passenger fled but was caught several hours later. 2 other people showed up at the hotel later in the afternoon and were also arrested. Some weapons were confiscated as well as some drugs. The school was on external lockdown for several hours in the afternoon. Abby was bugged that she didn't get her last recess and couldn't do the monkey bars. Josh was bugged that he didn't get interviewed for the news! Some of our neighbors did though!! :) An exciting day in the neighborhood. I watched helicopters circle the school all afternoon and lots of cops in and around the neighborhoods with several news crews too. Our quiet little neighborhood made breaking news and top stories all day. The ironic thing - the school had a lockdown drill last month. Abby's cute teacher was so worried that it would worry the kids she kept telling them that it would NEVER happen and that it was just a drill to practice! Ha ha ha how funny is that?


Hot Shauna said...

It was scary, I mean I'm a sixth grader but there were a lot of people crying. hope it doesn't happen again.


Lara said...

I thought the same thing about how ironic it is that they had that drill. Crazy. What a day it was!

Owen said...

I'd be pissed about missing the monkey bars too.

Candice said...

It made the afternoon exciting! Josh so needed to be interviewed!

Heidi said...

That's why cops were everywhere! I drive by there when I go to my moms and I was pissed cuz one stopped in the middle of the road on angel so I had to take a detour. He pulled out right in front of me and just stopped. Rude!