Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Conference Packets

You can find some great ideas for conference this weekend, including the conference packet stuffed with ideas to keep the kiddos entertained during conference this weekend.
I haven't taken the time to look around but I know there are other places out there with similiar stuff so feel free to leave a comment if you have some other ideas.


Lara said...

Thanks for this. I need all the help I can get to keep the kiddies watching.

In RS on Sunday somebody suggested a cute idea that I had never heard of. Find a template of a tie (somewhere online) and have the kids draw each of the speakers ties. I thought that was a cute idea for the little ones who cannot yet read or write.

How are the twins? Do they need prayers?

Baby Troy is my nephew who was born with pnumonia in both lungs. One collapsed and he has been in the hospital since he was born but I am happy to say that as of yesterday he is now home with his family and doing well. Thanks for the prayers on his behalf. You are awesome!