Sunday, November 02, 2008

Sing it with me! So I am so behind in blogging. This seems to happen from time to time, and lately with everything going on I haven't been great at updating this journal of sorts. So instead of starting back a couple of weeks, here are a couple of pics we took on Halloween day. The kids didn't have school which was great because we hadn't had time to carve pumpkins yet. So one of the first things we did was get that out of the way. They each did their pumpkins THEIR way and all by themselves! It was a little hard to not want to jump in and just take over, BUT I was a good mom and just let things go. (I can do that every once in a awhile) Jantz required just a little bit of help here and there inserting his saw, but other than that, he was so proud of himself for finishing his masterpiece alone. Josh of course really enjoyed playing with the guts. Can't you just smell the "pumpkin" when you look at this mess?

Here are the finished pumpkins ready to go for halloween night. Funny thing though, we took a family vote and 4 to 1 we voted to go to the new neighborhood to trick or treat and mom and dad went to Ty and Brooke's so noone was home to lite the pumpkins. Sheesh, all that work for nothing! You mom's out there know what I am talking about right? This year we weren't able to host the annual Donahoe halloween party because we ran into a little snag with the concrete floor at the new house and it cost us a couple of weeks. (Sidenote- we have recovered, the house is done and we will be moving this week) Anyhow, because we didn't have the party - there were several trick or treating stops on our way out to Layton. We hit grandma and grandpa "J", grandma and grandpa Mac, and grandpa Dave. Then we met up at the Hensley house for a little chili and donuts (thank you Travis and Holli). Trick or treating was wonderful - the weather reminded me a little of halloween in Arizona. We all just kind of hung out in the driveway to pass out candy. Daylight savings hadn't hit yet so we had a little extra light. We didn't even require jackets until later on in the night when it started to rain. I can't remember a halloween this mild in forever! Josh went with his friends (uggh he is getting so big) and Abby and Jantz went with their dad and Breck, Olivia, and Jake Hensley. Everyone had a ball. I was so busy hanging with Holli eating chili and donuts, feeding trick or treaters and catching up on some Friday Night Lights that I didn't even remember to take pictures of the kids in their costumes! Ha ah ha ha. Oh well, I have many from the parties earlier in the month...tune in later!

I tried to go for the "glow" effect so the pics are a little blurry

Hope everyone had a great Pagan Holiday!


The Brandon Family said...

Now that you are going to be closer to me we should hang out. I am a stay at home mom so some days I get borde. I'm just south of Doug and Emmy's almost right behind.

The Brandon Family said...

Yes I do. You turn right just before you hit the church on 200 E. Keep going straight and you will run right into my house.