Sunday, July 20, 2008

Skate or Die
On Wednesday Krista and I thought with the weather being so overcast it would be a good day to take the kids to the park for lunch. They ate, climbed boulders, played at the park, ran around, and then took off to the skate park. It was truly chaos! The little ones darting every which way on their scooters, the bigger boys on their skateboards trying death defying skills...Tony Hawk makes it look so easy! Then there were the biggest boys twice the size of our kids on their BMX bikes and boards. Let's just say that it was a little dangerous in the bowl! We let them play just long enough to get some action. After a couple near crashes and emergency room aversions, we left. Truly, skate or die!

Jantz, Abby, Kelsey
Little dude