Sunday, June 22, 2008

Day Camp

On Thursday Dayt and I took our troop up to Camp Fife in Tremonton. It was a great opportunity for us because we are both "officially" in cub scouts we were able to be there to experience Josh's first day camp with him. The boys were really well behaved and had a great time. The favorite activities this year were bb guns, archery, zip line, rock wall climbing and purusing the trading post. But they did a ton of other things. Here is Josh with some of the other Bears and Wolves. This year was all about Pirates so they had to wear bandana's on their heads.

This is Josh with his friend Chandler ready to zip....

This is Josh not looking at the camera on purpose. He was too busy trying to be patient while waiting for his turn with the BB guns. This is a very hard quality for Josh to learn.

Doing some rock climbing. Only 2 or 3 kids made it to the top. He is actually the smallest kid in our troop but he was the ONLY one to reach the top two times. Way to go Josh!


Anonymous said...

I love camp fife! we go there almost every year! that's okay with me!