Wednesday, September 02, 2009

These are some of the cute letters that Abby penned earlier this year. I love first graders and the way they spell!

One she left on my bedroom door - I think I was on "business" in Denver - some of the letter was cut off by "automatic" cropping - what the crap?!

God bless this child that bleeds RED!


Lara said...

I love that you put these on your blog! Most papers like that just get thrown away but now you can have them forever. Great idea!

By the way, LOVE them and the cute spelling too.

Ange said...

Those are CLASSIC! I LOVE stuff like that! Emma often (still) asks me how to spell things, and most times I tell her to sound it out the best she can because I think it is so STINKIN' cute when they do that!