Sunday, July 06, 2008

BBQ with the D-Hoes!
Dayt's cousins Dusty and Shay were in town last week. We don't see them very often because they live in Texas and Ohio. So when they are in town we all get together for some good times and some KFC (a Dave and Tim staple for get-togethers!) Even though the cousins hardly know each other, it doesn't take but a minute to get reaquainted! It was fun to catch up with Dusty and Shay and their families, thanks for the visit, we miss you guys! I tried to get some pics of everybody, but by the time I got my camera out, some of them had already taken off for bedtime, here's some of the ones I did catch.

Dusty's cute little daughter Ella and his son Kayson

Josh with Maddux, Shay's oldest son

Dayton, Jantz, Shay and her daughter Olivia

Uncle Sam with Sammy T (mini me)

Melanie, Barbara, Tim, Tiffany, and Dave

By the end of the night, they were the best of friends!