Monday, March 03, 2008

Soundbites from the kids

The reason I started this blog was to attempt to "journal" or lives in a sense. I haven't been great at the baby book thing, or even my own journal since I've had kids. I do realize these moments of our lives are important, so, we have the blog. There are places that even put your blog in a hardbound book for you if you want - cool! So wahlah! Problem solved. Jantzen is at the perfect age for great one liners! He also gets things a little mixed up as you can see. We call that his "AuntBaxism's." Any of you out there that know my Aunt Bax will know what I mean. Here are some cute things the kids said this week that I would've written in their baby books...

"Jantzen don't hit the back of the couch with your bat or I will have to take it away from you." (small wooden promotional bat). "Well then I will hit you in the legs with my bat." Jantz, if you hit me in the legs I will definately take your bat away. "Well then, I will just have to cut your head off."
-Dayt and Jantzen

"When Jesus comes again and all the dead people wake up, will the dinosaurs wake up too?"

"If we move to another house, do you and daddy have to get married again?"
- Jantzen

"Jesus says you have to be nice, and if you're not nice then he will talk to Santa and tell him not to bring you any presents."
- Jantzen

"Does Jesus ever get to hang out with his dad (Heavenly Father) and play some basketball?"
- Josh

In church when we were sustaining people for new callings and Jantzen said, "why do we always have to wave at that guy?"

I love to play Rock You Like a Hurricane on my "contar"
- Jantz

"Don't worry guys, I'm gonna catch me a leprechaun, and for one of my wishes I'll wish for a pot of gold and then we can buy us a house."

Jantzen and I have a song we sing together - You are my Sunshine. One night while we were singing he said..."If someone takes my sunshine away like kidnappers or monsters or werewolves then Grandma Gibson will come and get me and bring me back."

"That's a nice mailhydrant." (Jantz pointing to a painted mailbox.)

Singing to the tune of hey good lookin, what you got cookin..."Hey handsome what you got bakin?"

"Can I get me a new head at the store if I want?"


Owen said...

This is so cute! I have been writing things down here and there of funny things my kids say too! One day I'll blog em. That's the beauty of "attempting" to journal/blog! I love checking in on you for a laugh!

Anonymous said...

LOVE IT!!!! So Funny!!!