Sunday, February 03, 2008

Spring Fever???

Okay so I guess Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow the other day
and we have 6 more weeks of winter to look forward to. This has
been a very different winter than we have had in the past. I can't
remember having this much snow since I was about 10 years old!
The kids are enjoying it, and I have burned MANY calories shoveling
the driveway about 7 more times than I thought I would! However,
It looks like the kids are starting to get a little spring fever...

You HAVE to warm up with a cup o' the cocoa
after hard work like that!


Unknown said...

Looks like fun. Hailee and I played out in the snow on Saturday as well, we hadn't seen the sun in so long, I felt bad at how pale she was.