Wednesday, December 19, 2007


Nowadays with Abby in Kindergarten it is just me and
Jantz most of the day. He is really into cooking things
so we spend a lot of time doing that. He LOVES reading
the Polar Express book, so we do that several times a
day. Here are a couple of pictures of him.

Jantzen helping me dip pretzels.

I was doing laundry the other day, laying out piles to be hung
up and brought to each childs room. I got called away to one
of the many things I was multi-tasking at the time and when
I came back, I found Jantzen, with "little puss" the landlord's cat
asleep on the chair in my room - on top of all the clean t-shirts!

Playing dress-up with Abby. He really likes the sound
the shoes make on the tile more than anything!

This is Nachoooooo Libre! Which was Jantzen's
favorite movie until just about two weeks ago when
I got out all the christmas movies. Now his
favorites are Polar Express and Home Alone.
I'm just happy he will FINALLY sit down to watch
a movie! That is, of course, if I am on the same floor.
Otherwise, the kidnappers will get him.

Jantz "holding down" Rufus so he can pet him.
He absolutely LOVES his kitties!


candice said...

OH MY! Those are the cutest, silliest, most funny pics I have seen in a long time.

Merry Christmas!