Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Happy Holidays 2007
We hope you all have a fabulous holiday season!

This year we barely got our christmas card off in time. It was just before bedtime so they were somewhat delirious. We threw on some black shirts and starting snapping. We took about 30 pictures and what's funny is, we ended up using the 3rd picture we took. So next year I am not going to take that many pictures-they just got worse the more pictures we took. From the images posted below you can see that it wasn't an easy task! I thought they were kinda funny and I figured we could all have a good laugh at their expense. But actually, they think the bloopers are pretty funny too.

Hamblin Christmas Party 2007

Food, Family, Fun!

This is a picture of the whole clan!

This year we had a "live" nativity story.

The girls with all their gifts from the gift exchange.

Lots of food!

Some of the boys playing the gift exchange game.

This is Ryan Baxter and his "fiance" Rianna!

Monday, December 24, 2007

Santa Claus is Comin' To Town - Jantzen style.

This is my first try at video uploading, and Jantz's first song. He had a little bit of stage fright, but we made it through!

Wednesday, December 19, 2007


Nowadays with Abby in Kindergarten it is just me and
Jantz most of the day. He is really into cooking things
so we spend a lot of time doing that. He LOVES reading
the Polar Express book, so we do that several times a
day. Here are a couple of pictures of him.

Jantzen helping me dip pretzels.

I was doing laundry the other day, laying out piles to be hung
up and brought to each childs room. I got called away to one
of the many things I was multi-tasking at the time and when
I came back, I found Jantzen, with "little puss" the landlord's cat
asleep on the chair in my room - on top of all the clean t-shirts!

Playing dress-up with Abby. He really likes the sound
the shoes make on the tile more than anything!

This is Nachoooooo Libre! Which was Jantzen's
favorite movie until just about two weeks ago when
I got out all the christmas movies. Now his
favorites are Polar Express and Home Alone.
I'm just happy he will FINALLY sit down to watch
a movie! That is, of course, if I am on the same floor.
Otherwise, the kidnappers will get him.

Jantz "holding down" Rufus so he can pet him.
He absolutely LOVES his kitties!

Elf Yourself

The kids and their cat "Rusty" have turned into
dancing elves...and they think they are hilarious!

To see them do a dance click the link below...

Polar Express

This year we got tickets to ride the Polar Express.
The kids really really enjoyed the trip - the parents
however, were not impressed. It was only 17 degrees
outside and our train car was one of the "lucky" few
without heat! We sang christmas songs, had some hot
chocolate and some cookies from Mrs. Claus. We read the
story of the Polar Express and made it to the North Pole just
in time (because the lights at the North Pole went out...go figure)
Santa made a quick stop in each car to give the kids a bell.

Gingerbread houses

After Thanksgiving dinner we made Gingerbread houses.

Jantzen with his "muffin."

Aunt Bax and Carly were teamed up together. We aren't
really sure how they managed to get their house decorated
but we do know they liked to sample the candy!

Dayt and Josh broke away from football long enough to
finish their masterpiece.

Thanksgiving 2007

Here are a couple of pictures of the kids at their school "feast."

Abby with Carson (stripe shirt) and Cameron who is
currently her main squeeze. She doesn't talk about what
happens at school much because she is so shy, but she
tells us something that Cameron does EVERYDAY!

This is Josh at his 2nd grade Thanksgiving extravaganza.

Thanksgiving Day

Grandpa Gibson cooking the turkey.

Kelsey, Josh, Grandpa, Carly and Grandma's chair at the "circle table."

Jantz, Brady and Abby at the "little" table.

*Sorry, I don't have a picture of us at the "big" table
because we were all too busy fixing plates for all our children.
Just for documentation purposes...the "big" table consisted of
Aunt Bax and Uncle Glen, Great Grandma Gibson, Krista, Jim,
Trish, Dayton, Ty, Brooke and Hailee.

Sunday, December 02, 2007

Mirror Lake
October 2007

Here are some pictures of our day trip to the Uinta
Mountains over UEA weekend. It had just barely
snowed, so there was only about 4 inches of snow
on the ground, and the lakes were just starting to
form a bit of ice. It was amazing that there wasn't
a ton of snow this late in the year.
We had a really good time hiking around the lake
and throwing rocks on the ice that had frozen over
(the kids loved the sound it made). The weather
was cool but the sun was out so we were able to
enjoy our last picnic of the year. It was just so
beautiful, it was too hard to choose only a couple
of pictures so here are a lot of pictures...