Wednesday, November 08, 2006

1st Annual Donahoe Family
Halloween Party!

We had our first ever Donahoe family halloween
party on October 29th. It turned out fabulous!
The kids planned some games and we had a
costume and carving/painting pumpkin contest.
We were so impressed with all of the pumpkin
entries and especially the costumes! We think
everybody had a really good time.

Uncle Sam is a skeleton groom and
Aunt Mel is a witch with "yoda" who could
not find his mask at the time of this picture.

Grandma and Grandpa Gibson were hockey
players. The costume inspiration must have
come from Grandpa's recent conversation with
Wayne Gretsky on his trip to Phoenix just days
before the party. Hailee is just ducky with Abby
the spider witch and Jantz the monster. Also,
Josh, without the mask and yoda with the mask
(see picture below with Grandpa Dave.)