Friday, February 06, 2009

All Naturale'
Jantzen is going through a phase that is journal worthy. It has been 20 degrees outside and it doesn't matter, this is how I find Jantzen all day his underwear! This has been going on for several weeks. The house hovers around 72 -73 degrees during the day and he constantly tells me he is "sweaty." I cannot keep clothes on him. Not that I don't think it's cute to see his little body in his spidey underwear - trust me - it's adorable! However, it is freezing outside! It makes me cold just looking at him. But really, if the kid likes to be in his underwear in his own house who am I to tell him he can't. At first he just did it at home. Then there was an instance or too at a friends house (sorry Melissa and Holli) we talked about how we need to keep our clothes on at other people's houses yada yada yada. It must have worked, he hasn't come home missing articles of clothing, and I haven't heard about any other problems at this buddies houses. Fast forward a couple of weeks - he is still in his underwear at home most of the day and night (including bedtime) unless we have guests. We decide to have a "Fabulous Friday" together and decide to go to Chuck E. Cheese, just me and him. It was so much fun just spending the time with him without the others. For those of you who know Jantz, you know he is wildly entertaining and has the best personality. We were laughing and having the best time together. We found the basketball game and played over and over and over. I was actually impressed, he was pretty good for a 4 year old. Anyway, one of the balls hit the rim just right and bounced out and into the play area. I turned to go and get it for him - 5 seconds later I head back and see him starting to take his clothes off! I said "Jantz! You can't take your clothes off here!" He said, "Well mom, I am sweaty." He is so funny! He thought that it was ok because it wasn't at a friends house where we had told him that it wasn't ok. He has now learned the definition of "public places." Guess I should've started there to begin with.

This is a shot I took from my phone - playing b-ball in the kitchen
Jumping around on the bed watching Spongebob


Heidi said...

Ha ha that's so funny! Payton went through that about a year ago. They're so funny! They need to play again sometime.

Lara said...

Too cute! I love your kids!

Candice said...

Use it til you lose it!